While there is no miracle cure for aging, doctors and experts agree that there is a proven way to slow the aging process. Physical activity has been proven to be the best way to stay young longer and to age more healthfully.

Regular physical activity helps prevent chronic illnesses and conditions that can make your later years difficult. According to WHO (World Health Organization) older adults who are physically active will benefit in multiple ways, helping them stay young.

stay young with the benefits of exercise for seniors

benefits of physical activity for seniors infographic

Higher Rates of:

cardiorespiratory fitness
muscular fitness
enhanced bone health
functional health

Lower Rates of:

coronary heart disease
high blood pressure
type 2 diabetes
colon cancer
breast cancer

Benefits from:

Better cognitive function
Improved sleep
Improved memory
Healthier body mass
Healthier body composition
Lower risk of falling

To see these benefits, WHO recommends that adults 65 and older get:

  • 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week = 22-43 minutes/day, at least 10 minutes at a time, Or
  • 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity =11-22 minutes/day, at least 10 minutes at a time
  • For older adults with poor mobility WHO recommends performing actities that enhance balance and prevent falls on 3 or more days per week
  • Muscle strengthening activities should be done on 2 or more days per week.

Always seek medical advice to determine how much physical activity you can safely perform, and be as physically active as your abilities and conditions allow. To stay young at heart and mind, moving is the key, but what are good forms of exercise?

What counts as Aerobic Activity?

From the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention here is a list of activities for each category


(150-300 minutes per week)


(75-150 minutes per week)

Brisk walking (3 miles/hour or faster) Race walking, jogging, or running
Water aerobics Swimming laps
Bicycling (slower than 10 miles/hour) Bicycling (10 miles/hour or faster)
Tennis (doubles) Tennis (singles)
Ballroom dancing Aerobic dancing (Zumba)
General gardening Heaving Gardening (continuous digging or hoeing)
Jumping rope
Hiking uphill or with a heavy backpack

Whichever activities you enjoy, the more you move the healthier you will be for longer.




Let us know what activities keep you moving and helps you stay young. Comment or share with us on Facebook. Do you know any active seniors that don’t seem to age? We’d love to hear about them.  

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